About Cypress Ministries
Cypress Ministries is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides Christ-centered spiritual retreat and educational opportunities for individuals, families, and groups. Our vision for ministry is based on the proclamation in Isaiah 55 that God heals and restores as we come away and seek Him. That's why we call this Cypress Ministries: In place of the thornbush, a cypress will grow.
Why Cypress Ministries
The pace is fast. The pressure is high. The risks are real. You sense it; your spouse senses it; your people sense it. If we don't weave rest, retreat, solitude, and reflection into the rhythm of our lives, burnout and spiritual dryness become real possibilities. Reflective, God-focused rest is critical, but in our demand-fueled world, we've largely lost this practice.
Jesus knew the importance of intentional, God-focused rest, which is why He frequently set aside the demands of life and ministry and snuck away for time alone with His Father and time with His disciples. And it's why He encouraged us to come to Him: "Come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest" (Mt. 11:28).
We know this, too, and that's why we launched Cypress Ministries. Cypress Ministries exists to provide opportunities for intentional, God-focused rest, especially to those who live and work on the front lines, such as ministry workers and mission-minded businesspeople.
Who We Are
The vision for Cypress Ministries is a collaborative effort that we believe is God-inspired and Gospel-driven.
Kreg Tjelmeland
Kreg is CEO of Metal Design Systems, Inc. (MDSI), of Anamosa, Iowa. God has used Kreg to transform MDSI into a Christ-centered and Gospel-oriented culture.
Tommy Simpson
Tommy serves as Project Manager at Metal Design Systems, Inc. Having grown up on a Christian campground, Tommy's roots in retreat ministry run very deep.
Dennis Fulkerson
Dennis serves as Discipleship Pastor at Community Bible Church in Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Over the years, he's served as a teacher, researcher, missionary, pastor, and counselor.
Our Partners
Community Bible Church, Mount Vernon, Iowa
Metal Design Systems, Inc., Anamosa, Iowa
What We Believe
We would describe ourselves as Gospel-centered, biblically informed, theologically conservative, and gratefully free in Christ.
We believe in the Holy God as revealed in the Bible. We believe God to exist as three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that people were created in God's image and are loved by God. Due to sin, all people have inherited a sin nature and are naturally separated from God.
We believe that God, in His love for people, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to redeem through His sacrifice on the cross, that all who believe in Jesus Christ and His work are saved.
We believe that, upon salvation, the Holy Spirit indwells believers, guiding them, comforting them, convicting them of sin, and empowering them to live in repentance and righteousness.
We believe the Scriptures, the Holy Bible, to be the true and inerrant Word of God in its original languages. The Bible is reliable in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe the Church to be comprised of all true believers in Christ. Local churches are gatherings of believers in specific locations.
We believe that the souls of people will live forever in an eternal state, either with God or separated from God. We believe that Christ will return to earth to save and judge the world.
We believe that within the parameters of orthodox, biblical, God-centered Christianity, there is freedom and diversity in specific beliefs, practices, and expressions.